Pleasant circuit on the heights of the Lot Valley, steeped in the Vineyards of Cahors and Quercy Blanc.
At Pech Carlat, an arid promontory between Floressas and Ségos, it suffices to scrape the superficial layer of earth with a pebble to reveal a soil glowing like brick. This color signals the presence of a high concentration of iron in the rock. A typical case of certain tropical countries! It is that 65 million years ago, after the disappearance of the dinosaurs, the region lived under a hot and humid climate in which the rains only stopped three months a year. However, the combination of heat and humidity is a formidable accelerator of erosion.
Go equipped with suitable shoes and waterproof clothing, protect yourself from the sun, bring water and find out about the weather conditions. slippery section in rainy weather